The Adventures of Tintin is a series of classic comic books created by Belgian artist Georges Remi (1907–1983). The series is one of the most popular European comics of the 20th century
- Ashchorjo Ulka
- Americay Tintin
- Biplobider Dongole
- Bombete Jahaj
- Chandraloke Abhijan
- Chade Tintin
- Congoy Tintin
- Calculus er kando
- Farawaer Churut
- Flight 714
- Kalo Sonar Deshe
- Kan bhanga Murti
- Kankra Rahoshyo
- Lal Bombeter Guptodhan
- Mommyr Abhisap
- Nil Kamal
- Otokarer Rajdando
- Panna Kothai
- Surjadeber Bandi
- Tibbote TinTin